
Autumn Dettmann Autumn Dettmann

Helping Siblings Adapt when Adding a New Baby to the Family

Every child is different with how they adapt to a change like welcoming a new sibling. Some sail through it without appearing to be phased at all and others really show that they are struggling. Read more for how to help them adapt and not lose their strong sleep habits along the way.

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Autumn Dettmann Autumn Dettmann

Blackout Solutions for Your Child’s Sleep Space

Having a dark room is an extremely important component of great sleep habits. Darkness helps our bodies produce melatonin, the hormone that leads to sleepiness. Also, babies & children are easily stimulated, so keeping their room as dark as possible avoids any visual distractions and disturbances to sleep. 

Even the slightest bit of light can lead to shorter naps, early morning wakeups, and interrupted sleep. I tell my clients that we are going for cave-like dark; ‘can’t even see my hand in front of my face’ dark!

Unfortunately, there are so many curtains out there marketed as blackout curtains, that simply don’t do the job! I’ve put together a list of some of the most recommended options for blackout solutions for your child’s room. They are organized by most economical to the largest investment. 

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