Returning Clients

Your strong little sleeper has disappeared and you’re not sure where they went? Maybe your child got sick, or you took a trip, or moved homes - or maybe you don’t even know what caused it! Either way, things went south and you’re not sure how to get those healthy sleep habits back that you had previously established. I got you! Your little one knows how to sleep, we can re-establish those strong sleep habits.


Returning Client Mini Consult

This is for clients that have previously worked with Rest Grow Thrive and have had challenges arrive since we’ve worked together. This could include nap transitions, time changes, early risings, etc.

Included in the Returning Client Mini `Consult:

  • Updated Intake form

  • 30-minute Virtual Consultation where we will discuss the situation and specific suggestions to make improvements

  • E-mail Recap of what we discussed on the call

  • 7-days of sleep log tracking

  • No written sleep plan included


Additional week of Support: $100 - contact directly to add to your package.


Sleep Support Call

Do you just have a few questions but don’t need any follow-up support? Perhaps you’re dealing with some new bedtime protesting, you’re in the middle of a nap transition, or you’re dealing with some sudden night wakings.

Included in the Sleep Support Call:

  • Updated Intake Form

  • 30-minute Virtual Consultation where we will discuss the situation and specific suggestions to make improvements

  • E-mail recap of call - No written sleep plan or follow-up support included

30 minutes - $50