
How to Use a Toddler Clock Successfully
As a child Sleep Consultant (and as a mom), I am a BIG fan of toddler clocks or ‘ok-to-wake’ clocks. They are an amazing tool to help your child have clear expectations around sleep and helps them recognize that they have control of their decisions and actions.
However, the toddler clock isn’t a magic solution. Often, I hear from parents that say they tried to use the toddler clock - their child that was waking up at 5:30 a.m. just won’t stay in bed until their clock turns green at 6:00 a.m. And, I typically say I’m not surprised. There is work that we as parents have to do around the toddler clock to help us be successful using it…
To Dream Feed or Not to Dream Feed?
Have you heard of a dream feed? Basically, a dream feed is when you slightly arouse your baby (usually right when we are going to bed ourselves) and feed them as they remain asleep/sleepy…